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To Report Abuse or Illegal Activity

We will investigative all allegations of abuse of email and website services provided by us. Abuse includes - spam, phishing, fraudulent emails and web space abuse (e.g illegal content).

Report all abuse by emailing us at Please include as much information as you can. For email abuse please include the email received. For web space abuse, please gives details of the URL (e.g., the date and time your viewed the material and why you believe the content to be illegal or criminal.

We will investigate all complaints of abuse as soon as possible and will respond to your complaint within five working days. If you are not satisfied with our response (or in the unlikely event of not receiving a response within five working days), then please escalate your complaint to

Landour Limited

  • Registered Office
  • Southwell House
  • Egmere Road
  • Walsingham
  • NR22 6BT
  • Tel: 01328  888058

Landour Limited is registered in England and Wales (Company Number 05471224).